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Excel Academy High School

High School students can choose to follow one of Excel Academy's customized tracks toward college or career and may opt to layer a-g eligibility into their high school plan. Excel Academy offers a customized curriculum where parents are encouraged and supported in choosing a flexible, personalized learning plan that matches their student's needs and expectations and prepares them for college and beyond. We offer all high school students specialized support from a highly qualified content area specialist in each core subject.

The High School Department along with the Teacher of Record will support and guide parents in meeting California State Standards for their respective grade level. Students will have access to multiple curricula options and supplemental resources through the use of Instructional Funds and the myriad content and community provider choices.

Students are eligible for a diploma when all requirements have been met:

  • English - 40 credits
  • Math - 20 credits
  • Science - 20 credits (1 life/1 physical)
  • History - 30 credits (1 US/1 world/gov/econ)
  • VAPA/World Language/CTE - 10 credits
  • PE - 20 credits
  • Electives - 80 credits
  • Total to graduate: 220 credits

1 semester class = 5 credits / 2 semesters/1 year = 10 credits

High School Course and Curriculum

Our unique approach to curriculum means that high school students have many textbook and online curriculum choices per class. Parents are encouraged and supported in choosing curricula from the high school catalog that matches their students’ needs, expectations, and rigor in each subject area. With guidance and support from the ToR and the High School Department, parents will be sure to meet California State Standards and provide their student with a relevant course of study for their grade level. In addition to career-focused or college focused classes, eligible Excel students have the expanded opportunity to take honors classes, Advanced Placement classes and concurrent enrollment college courses. Click on HS Course Curriculum Catalog-23/24 to view curriculum choices.

A-G Eligibility at Excel Academy

Excel Academy offers a-g approved courses in all core subjects. A-G is a series of courses required by the University of California /California State University systems for admission. A student must complete a minimum 15 Excel Academy approved a-g courses (11 courses prior to 12th grade) with a grade of C or better to be eligible for admission to a UC/CSU institution. Counselors are trained to help students plan for a-g eligibility so that it works seamlessly with their graduation focus.

The intent of the “a-g” subject requirements is to ensure that students have attained a body of general knowledge that will provide breadth and perspective to new, more advanced study. Please visit the University of California website for more information regarding a-g subject requirements and Excel Academy's approved a-g course list by clicking the below.

Customized College Track

Excel Academy offers a Customized College Track to high school students who wish to apply to a private college, out-of-state institution or a community college. Courses in this track are non a-g approved courses and are meant for high school students who are looking for a more flexible customized learning experience. Through this track students can purchase an array of educational services, courses and materials to satisfy high school requirements while pursuing other interests and extracurricular activities. Students and Teachers of Record will work together to choose the correct content and community provider and curriculum materials that fit the student's learning style and best prepares them for post-secondary experiences.

CTE Pathways for High School Students

Excel Academy offers Career Technical Education (CTE) which gives high school students an opportunity to begin preparing early for college and careers. CTE provides students with academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers. CTE will prepare students by introducing them to workplace competencies, and make academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.

Honors and Awards

Excel Academy honors student achievement in many ways. Students may receive one of the following GPA-based Awards:


Student with the highest weighted GPA in their class (after 7 semesters) is eligible to receive the honor of becoming Valedictorian of their graduating class.


Student with the second highest weighted GPA in their class (after 7 semesters) is eligible to receive the honor of becoming Salutatorian of their graduating class.

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society requires high academic scholarship, service to the community, demonstrated leadership, and high character. Students inducted into the NHS will be recognized during the graduation ceremony.

Golden State Merit

Per the CDE: The Golden State Seal Merit Diploma (GSSMD) insignia is awarded jointly by the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to recognize students who have demonstrated mastery of the high school curriculum in at least six subject areas. Students who meet this minimum state requirements will be recognized during the graduation ceremony.

Presidential Awards

The Presidential Awards honor both high educational excellence through the gold award, and high educational achievement through the silver award. Five graduates will be recognized in both the gold and silver categories.

State Seal of Biliteracy

Per the CDE: The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English. Students who meet this requirement will be recognized during the graduation ceremony.

Concurrent Enrollment

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