CAASPP - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
Please visit this link to access current online CAASPP practice tests. Simply login as a GUEST and choose your student's GRADE LEVEL to get started. This link will provide access to CAASPP (Smarter Balanced) state practice tests in pink. Click on the tests (i.e. ELA Practice Test, ELA Performance Task, Math Practice Test, Math Performance Task). Students in grades 5, 8, 11 and 12 can scroll down to the highlighted gray box titled California Science Test (CAST) Practice Test as well.
The California Science Test (CAST) is an online test based on the California Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Participation in the CAST is required for all students in grades five and eight, and once in high school (grade 11 or 12).
CAASPP Resources
- Spring Information for Parents/Guardians Website - How to take a remote test and download a secure browser!
- Link to Practice and Training Tests
- CAASPP Parent Guardian Resources - Collection of PDFs, Fact Sheets, Video Tutorials for Universal Tools
- How to Add a Secure Browser for All Devices
Secure Browser for :
CAASPP Practice Tests
Click here for practice tests.
For practice tests, students will need to login as GUEST and CHOOSE THEIR GRADE LEVEL
Depending on the student's grade level, the student will need to scroll down to the appropriate assessments and click the assessment(s) to begin.