Excel Academy's Counseling Corner is a one-stop shop for all counseling related items, including behavioral health resources, college & career information and resources, military information, and more! Click the button below to view the Counseling Corner.

Daniel Favela
School Counselor

Larissa Allen-Jefferson
School Counselor

Lisa Durham
School Counselor
Work Permits
Letter of Recommendation Template
Career Links:
California CareerZone is a career exploration and planning system designed especially for students.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Interested in researching what the current highest paying jobs are? Or what industry has the fastest growing occupation opportunities? We encourage you to visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics which has some great tools to research information on careers.
Free Career Test - Your Free Career test provides a short quiz (about 50 questions) and gives you a possible career based on your answers with links to research more about the career and colleges.
Interested in joining the military? Check out the following links:
Alternative Tests:
General Educational Development (GED) Tests are administered by states and jurisdictions to measure the skills and knowledge similar to a high school course of study. GED® graduates earn a GED® credential.
The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a voluntary test that assesses proficiency in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills taught in public schools. Eligible persons who pass the CHSPE are awarded a Certificate of Proficiency by the California State Board of Education.