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With the wide variety of schools across California, it can be hard to figure out the best one for your child. When it comes to charter schools, it can be even harder, as each charter operates differently from the next. While we can’t list the ins and outs of every charter school in the state, we can show you what it looks like to be enrolled in Excel Academy - a public, personalized learning charter school!

Excel Academy operates in an independent study learning model, meaning there isn’t a physical school that students attend each day. Rather, students across Southern California, from Los Angeles to San Diego, can be enrolled in our school without having to leave their home! Even more, students can choose between two academic paths, depending on what is best for them and their family.

Our Academic Paths allow families to choose the mode of education that best works for the needs of the student and parent. Our Academic Path options include:

Personalized Elementary

In this path, students are educated in the independent study model, where the parent/guardian is the primary teacher, and the Excel Teacher of Record (ToR) oversees the student's education. Parents ar...

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Personalized Elementary Path / TK-6th Grade

 In this path, students are educated in the independent study model, where the parent/guardian is the primary teacher, and the Excel Teacher of Record (ToR) oversees the student's education. Parents are able to choose from a selection of curriculum based on the student's needs (curriculum may include online and textbook based options). Once a month, the student, parent, and ToR will meet together to review the student's body of work and discuss the student's progress. 

  • Independent study model
  • Curriculum options range from online learning to textbook-based learning
  • Parent is the primary educator
  • Regular oversight by Teacher of Record
  • Monthly Learning Period meetings

The Personalized Elementary Path may be a good fit for your family if:

  • Student is in TK-6th grade
  • Parent is able to be the primary teacher
  • Student is able to work independently
  • Family desires a more personalized approach to the student's education

Is the Personalized Elementary Path a good fit for my family?

Personalized Secondary

In this path, students are educated in the independent study model, where the parent/guardian is the primary teacher, and the Excel Teacher of Record (ToR) oversees the student's education. Parents ar...

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Personalized Secondary Path / 7th-12th Grade

 In this path, students are educated in the independent study model, where the parent/guardian is the primary teacher, and the Excel Teacher of Record (ToR) oversees the student's education. Parents are able to choose from a selection of curriculum based on the student's needs (curriculum may include online and textbook based options). Once a month, the student, parent, and ToR will meet together to review the student's body of work and discuss the student's progress. 

  • Independent study model
  • Curriculum options range from Excel Teacher led classes, online learning, and textbook-based learning
  • Parent is the primary educator
  • Access to Guidance Counselors for college and career planning
  • Regular oversight by Teacher of Record
  • Seamless transition to high school
  • College class opportunities
  • Monthly Learning Period meetings

The Personalized Secondary Path may be a good fit for your family if:

  • Student is in 7th-12th grade
  • Parent is able to be the primary teacher
  • Student is able to work independently
  • Family desires a more personalized approach to the student’s education

Is the Personalized Secondary Path a good fit for my family?

Virtual Path

In this path, students learn in an online classroom with a group of their peers five days a week, receiving instruction for all core subjects by their assigned teacher. On two days of the week, instru...

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Virtual Path / K-8th Grade

 In this path, students learn in an online classroom with a group of their peers five days a week, receiving instruction for all core subjects by their assigned teacher. On two days of the week, instruction time is shorter and the student will work independently on their school subjects. 

  • 100% virtual learning
  • Classrooms split up by grade level
  • Excel Teacher is the primary educator
  • Regular connection with peers
  • Quality, standards aligned curriculum
  • Google Classroom & Zoom platforms

The Virtual Path may be a good fit for your family if:

  • Student is in K-8th grade
  • Parent is not able to be the primary teacher
  • Student would benefit from direct instruction & collaborative learning
  • Desire for increased accountability
  • Family would like the schedule, curriculum, classes, and structure set for them by an Excel teacher

Is the Virtual Path a good fit for my family?

Below is an overview of what is required and included for students enrolled in Excel Academy:




(GRADES 7-12)



Assigning Work
Students are assigned a credentialed Excel Academy teacher who oversees student work and grades assignments.
Local and state testing is required as assigned.
Instructional Funds

State funds are allotted to each Excel Academy student to use on curriculum, classes, extracurricular activities, and more!

Clubs & Programs
Excel Academy students are welcome to participate in school sponsored field trips, Science Fairs, Regional Events and Spring Celebrations.

Elementary students are also welcome to attend Outdoor Classroom days, free Art & Music classes, and the annual Spelling Bee.

Secondary students are also welcome to be on the Student Council, participate in eSports, and attend Prom.

Virtual students are also welcome to participate in the annual Spelling Bee
Theater Arts
Students are able to participate in Excel’s exclusive Theater Arts program, where students will learn improv, character development, basic dance, voice, and music instruction, and more!

Wide variety of curriculum options.

Live, a la carte classes are available for students to enroll.

Wide variety of curriculum options. Courses are available with a textbook and course of study, approved community providers with both in-person and virtual options, or online ETL classes.

Concurrent enrollment opportunities are available.

Students are provided a Chromebook, all curriculum, and materials.

Click here to view the weekly schedule for Virtual Path students.

The Personalized Path academy follows an independent study model.

Credentialed teachers meet with students regularly (virtually or in person) to assign work, collect work and assess progress towards standards.

Live, a la carte classes are available for students to enroll.

A course of study provided by Secondary ToRs will guide the student through each semester and keep the student on track for graduation.

High school students have the opportunity to enroll and attend live instruction courses in most subject areas

Full days of Virtual classes take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, with two days of just one class and independent study on Mondays and Fridays.
College & Career ReadinessIntroduces requirements for high school graduation. Offers career exploration engagement opportunities.Personalized support for college and career readiness. High School students can choose to follow the UC/CSU A-G track or one of Excel Academy's customized tracks toward college or career. The high school program offers CTE classes, guided support for the FAFSA, scholarship application processes, college applications, and life after high school.Introduces requirements for high school graduation. Offers career exploration engagement opportunities.