Day in the Life of Evelyn

Evelyn is in the first grade and is passionate about tumbling and art. She is a student at Excel Academy along with her siblings who are in Kindergarten and 5th grade. Evelyn is a visual and kinesthetic learner and loves learning new things!

8:30 a.m
Wake up and eat breakfast
9:00 a.m
Language Arts
During this time, Evelyn will work on phonics, reading, and practices sight words.

10:00 a.m
10:30 a.m
Evelyn does her math curriculum at home with her mom, where she practices addition and subtraction, and basic word problems.

11:30 a.m
Read Aloud
Evelyn’s mom will read a chapter of a book that corresponds to what Evelyn is learning that year.
11:45 a.m
Lunch / Recess
12:15 p.m
Evelyn uses workbooks to practice her penmanship.

12:45 p.m
1:30 p.m
i-Ready Practice lessons / Starfall
Evelyn uses one of Excel Academy’s free schoolwide subscriptions, Starfall, to work on phonemic awareness, systematic sequential phonics, and common sight words in conjunction with audiovisual interactivity, which supplements Evelyn’s language arts and math curriculum.

2:15 p.m
Get ready to go to Tumbling Class